Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Our Governor

Governor Bobby Jindal was in Oil City on Sunday. I was invited to have lunch with him. He talked briefly about the good things happening in our state. For the first time in my generation the national media is saying positive things about the Bayou State. I mentioned to Governor Jindal that he and I have some things in common. Governor Jindal was elected governor on October 20th. I became the pastor of my church on October 21st. Governor Jindal is the youngest governor Louisiana has ever had. I am the youngest pastor our church has ever had. We are both in our 30's. Okay...maybe I'm stretching things a little. But I am thankful to have such a smart, articulate governor. Things are finally changing in Louisiana!

1 comment:

Angela said...

Great picture! I'm so happy you were able to go the luncheon.