Tuesday, August 19, 2008

If I were any better I would be twins

(A friend's little girls)
I have heard that expression over the years and don't really know where it originated, but here lately that is how I have felt. Things are going really good. God is doing a remarkable thing in First Baptist Oil City. The Lord is changing lives and bringing people into the fold. 31 people in nine months! Our church is on the move! We now have a Minister of Music who is doing a great job leading us in worship every Sunday. We appreciate Bro. Shawn Fargerson. After a lot of prayer and seeking God's will, our youth committee and personnel committee agreed to hire a full-time youth pastor. God crossed our paths with His called man for the position, Bro. Claude Crocker IV. We are so excited about the ministry opportunities with the youth in our community. Our Sunday School attendance has been over 60 twice in the last 3 weeks, which is very exciting. Our children's program is growing, in fact every age group is seeing guests. School has started and my oldest is in Kindergarten. I was more nervous for him than he was on his first day. I start back to seminary in September. I transferred my hours from New Orleans Baptist Theological to Luther Rice University. I should finish my degree sooner. I don't want to sound redundant but things are very exciting! I am full of hope and anticipating what God has in store for us.

1 comment:

Dipboye Family said...

Wow! What cute kids!!!