Thursday, September 04, 2008

When government gets out of the way

This past weekend and for the last three days our church and area churches worked to assist, feed, pray with and help evacuees from Hurricane Gustav. There were a number of people in our small community who were adopted by residents and around 15 people stayed at our Community Center. They were fed, treated by a medical doctor, loved on by the people of Oil City. This kind of thing was happening all around our state. Churches stepping up and serving. Churches becoming the hands and feet of Jesus Christ and ministering to people during their time of need. This is the way it is supposed to work. But when government gets involved that is a different story. Just look at what happened at the Sam's Club on Jewella in Shreveport for a good example of this. Even during Hurricane Katrina and the disaster that followed, people said that the churches came through. So I have a word for the government, don't fear the church. Don't expel the church. Allow the church to be the church and let us do what we are called to do.

1 comment:

Redford said...

I agree with you, Chad. I think the government could learn a lot from churches when it comes to caring for people in need.