Thursday, September 18, 2008


The start of fall is right around the corner, next Monday in fact. It just happens to be one of my favorite times of the year. The changing colors of the leaves, the cooler temps, the cool breezes, what's not to love about autumn? Angela and I will be taking a vacation in October to Hot Springs. I can't wait to see the changes in the leaves up there. But when I hear the word "fall" I think about the fall of man. I think about how Adam and Eve were in the beautiful Garden of Eden. It was like paradise. They had it made. But then their selfishness got the best of them. They could have enjoyed the fruit of any tree in the garden but were told to stay away from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. But it looked so good. It was pleasing to the eye. Eve fell for it and gave it to her complicit husband. And from that moment death entered into the world. Paradise destroyed. We see the consequences of the fall of man all around us today. That is the bad news. But as Paul Harvey would say, 'The Rest of the Story" is the best part. God created man to have a relationship with Him. When that relationship was strained and broken due to the fall, God didn't wave the white flag. Jesus Christ was God's plan for man. Jesus is the Redeemer. Have you been forgiven of your sins? Do you have a relationship with God's son Jesus Christ? He is reaching out to you, reach up to Him and He will save you from the fall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

OH, I love this picture! I'm getting so excited about Fall coming. We like to go to Arkansas each year to watch the changing of the colors. Steven and I were talking about it last night and wondering when we can squeeze a couple days in to go visit. We keep a watch on this site for updates. They are pretty good about keeping it updated!