Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Man Behind the Curtain

"Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain." This quote is from The Wizard of Oz. He wanted his audience to only pay attention to the flashing lights, smoke and noise. The problem was it was the little man behind the curtain running the show. Often times when leaders stumble they say pay no attention to the the man behind the curtain, just keep your eye on the image. Many a leader has stumbled and blamed it on a microphone that was on that they didn't know about, a moral failure that they claim was private, a financial issue that they blame on hard times. We all need to be responsible. No one is a saint. People aren't looking for perfection, but they want people to take responsibility. Leaders are leaders and should always be mindful of that. People are sick of leaders not worth following.

1 comment:

Ken Jenkins said...

I think people in leadership positions get tired of always being the guy people go to and it leads to them wanting to be selfish because they see others being that way.