Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Hayden's Decision

My oldest boy, Hayden, asked Jesus Christ to be his Savior yesterday! Angela and I had been putting Hayden off thinking he was too young. But when I read Luke 18 where Jesus says, 'Allow the little children to come to me', I was deeply convicted. Hayden called me at the church office and said, "Daddy how do I get saved?" Needless to say I went home for lunch. I made sure he understood sin and forgiveness and that he understood why we need to be saved. I was impressed (and quite proud) of his theological depth. He knelt beside his bed and prayed the sweetest, most sincere, short prayer I have ever heard. The first thing he did is find his little brother Parker and tell him, "You are a sinner Parker and you need to saved!" We have us a little evangelist on our hands it seems. We had to explain to him that his 3 year old brother isn't quite old enough.

He even brought up baptism to us last night, without us saying a word about it. For the past 8 months he has been coming to church service and sitting with his mom. At least someone is paying attention to his dad's sermons! I got to thinking that sometimes we have complicated salvation and witnessing so much that we forget the command to have that child-like faith. Thanks Hayden for reminding me of that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, this was really great! He definitely will be an evangelist! And he is always so willing to pray. I loved hearing him say the blessing for lunch when we were there at your house. Oh, BTW...I blogged about our visit to FBC, Oil City on my blog!!!