Thursday, June 12, 2008

Is the grass always greener?

Did you hear about the Wide Receiver for the Cincinnati Bengals Chad Johnson? Let's just say he is not happy playing for the Bengals and has said he will not play for them this season. He has expressed his displeasure with the team, the coaches, the front office, the local media, the fans, etc. Obviously he is convinced the grass has got to be greener somewhere else. Which brings up a common issue. People are often frustrated in their current job, their marriage, their current position in life. But here is a question, does the contant obsession with the grass being greener elsewhere cause people to miss out on blooming where they are planted. Have you ever stopped to consider why the grass may be greener on the other side? Maybe its the abundance of cow manure (putting it nicely) that makes the grass so plush? So maybe if we stopped looking for greener pastures and just focused on doing our absolute best where we are, giving our most in our relationships, being happy with where we are. Can you imagine the number of players who have tried to make an NFL team that would give anything to trade places with Chad Johnson? There are many who would just be happy to wear a uniform of a professional athlete. So, bloom where God has planted you and make the most with what the Lord has given you.

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