Tuesday, June 17, 2008

FBOC Update

It has been a few weeks since I have updated you on what God is doing at First Baptist Oil City. First of all 22 people have joined our church in eight months! Four people have been baptized! The church has poured out its love on me and my family in so many ways. The church has showered us with love, cards, prayers, gifts, etc. We feel such a part of this community. People in the community are coming to church that either haven't been in a long time, or have never cast a shadow on our campus. God is reaching down and touching Oil City in a powerful way.

I will begin a new message series on June 29th called "Country Music Theology". Yes you can find good theology in some country music. Come and worship with us to find out more. Our church is hosting a 4th of July celebration on the lake, everyone is invited. We are also inviting men to our Mens Prayer Breakfast on July 19th at 8am for a time of getting to know one another. We are also getting excited about Vacation Bible School August 4-8th.

God is doing so much in our church. The important things for us to remember is to turn over our calendars, our plans, our activities to the Lord, because without Him we cease to exist. We are not a social club or a civic organization. We are the Body of Christ and we exist for those who have yet to come. Perhaps you live in the area and are looking for a place to belong. Or maybe you want to know more about Jesus. We invite you to come check us out. We hope to see you this Sunday, 9:45am Sunday School starts and 11am worship begins. We'll save a spot just for you! God bless!

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