Monday, May 26, 2008

The Mouth of the South

Former President Jimmy Carter was always known as having a big smile. You could add big mouth to his resume. He recently divulged to the media and the world how many nuclear warheads Israel has in its arsenal. He also told the media how many warheads the United States, Russia, Great Britain and France have. While some of this information is not necessarily top secret, what right does Carter have to give out this kind of information? I have a suggestion to the former president, just be a former president. Keep building houses and doing other acts of kindness. Carter has met with known terrorist groups recently and even sat down with Syrian officials. Some foreign diplomats may not understand that Jimmy Carter and other former presidents hold no authority or power whatsoever. They are nothing more than a tourist when they visit foreign soil. Mr. Carter, please keep in mind you were president from 1976-80. We appreciate what you did during your one term. Your term ended 28 years ago.

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