Sunday, May 25, 2008

Circle of Friends

Yesterday the family and I went to the Louisiana Boardwalk for a Alltel My Circle event. Yes, Chad was there and we had our picture made with him (Will post later on). There was free food, games for the kids, door prizes, a $5,000 give away and music. Early Doucet the former LSU receiver signed autographs. With the price of gas these days, we have had to cut back on some things and we went to this event because it was FREE! We wanted to take the kids somewhere and have fun, but money is tight. Well wouldn't you know they did a drawing for a $100 Visa gift card and my name was called. PRAISE GOD! I am not being facetious, we really needed that money. So it truly is hip to be circle...Alltel's new slogan! We had a great time with the boys and won $100.

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