Saturday, September 16, 2006

Letter from the Lost

I was thinking the other day how we as believers can cause someone to miss out on the gospel. I was wondering what lost people would say if given the opportunity to explain why they don't come to church... maybe it would go like this...

Dear Church, "I was going to check out your church this Sunday, but then I heard about how the church was in an uproar over the color of carpet, I have enough problems in my life...I didn't need anymore." "I wanted to attend a worship service but I heard the church was fighting about whether to sing a hymn or a chorus, so I just decided to stay home." "My family was on our way to church for the first time in over ten years. On our way there a car with a Jesus Fish on it pulled in front of us and almost ran us off the road. The driver waved at us with his middle finger! He then turned into the church so we kept going." "I was going to come hear the pastor next Sunday but I overhead church members at the grocery store talking about how the pastor puts them to sleep."

Wake up church!!! You are a living bible! The lost are watching us. What do they see, hear and think when they are around us???

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