Thursday, March 31, 2011


Our church is getting geared up for Revival Services with evangelist Bill Britt, April 3rd-April 6th. A couple of things to ponder: The lack of Revival Services in the local churches; The low attendance in Revival Services; The desperate need for Revival in the American Churches. I am burdened and disappointed in the lack of "Revival Services" in churches today. I think most would agree the church needs revival. Of course some don't understand what Revival really means. I have always believed that Revival Services are for the "Church". Granted in many revivals people get saved and become followers of Christ. But technically to be Re-Vived you had to be a part of the church to start with. Granted a church can experience "revival" without even having official Revival services with an evangelist or special guest speaker. I desire to see the Church revived, my life revived, Christians forsaking the things of this world, a brokenness among God's people. Prayer has preceded every major revival in history. Perhaps Christians have grown complacent, even apathetic towards their spiritual condition. Due to our apathy we don't pray, we don't hunger and thirst for a move of God. Are you concerned about the spiritual condition of our country? Are you desperate for a move of God? I'm also saddened by the low attendance in many revival services. I have attended local churches in our area that were hosting Revival. The pews in most of these churches were "comfortable"-meaning you had a whole pew to yourself! I realize everyone is so busy these days. We have so much to do. Sundays aren't sacred, Wednesdays are just another day of the week. I believe for just one week we could reschedule or postpone some things in our lives. We could get our priorities more in line with God's will. The games, practices, meetings, and everything else that occupies our time can be put on hold. After all some of us have put God and the church on perpetual hold. He has been waiting and waiting... Most historians agree there hasn't been a real regional revival in over 100 years in any industrialized nation. Many say the last great revival that truly changed a culture was the Welch Revival of 1904. As stated earlier, most of us would say revival is needed. I believe we see glimpses of revival in some Third World countries and other nations. The American Church has grown lazy, apathetic, indifferent. We have beautiful buildings, superb sound systems, pleasant pews, cluttered church calendars. But we are missing the most important element...The Power of the Holy Spirit! Someone once said, "If the Holy Spirit ever departed from the Baptist Churches the Baptists wouldn't even notice because they are so program driven." I would agree. I would encourage you to pray for revival. I know some believe it is too late for revival. I heard a preacher the other day say we are in the next stage where God gives us over. I'm not sure I completely agree with that. But I believe the door of revival may be closing. When a church in your area hosts Revival make time in your schedule to attend. Support your local church. Realize that the Church has to be revived so that lost people will see revived Christians. If you are in our area, come April 3-April 6th, 6:30pm nightly. First Baptist Oil City 416 Furman Street. We are excited about Revival and we sense a move of God! Come be a part!

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