Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Community Support

Getting involved in the political process is what we are called to do as citizens and as Christians. When Christians surrendered the movie industry and then complained about the smut coming out of Hollywood it seems a little like whining. When Christians don't vote and then gripe about the people who get elected that seems a little like a book critic who never actually read the book! Recently many parents, teachers and faculty and members of the community took an active stand for our local school and it made a positive difference. We campaigned actively, we made our case to our School Board and we got involved. Attending meetings, speaking up, writing our representatives, writing editorials in the local newspapers, calling people in the community, etc. We believed in our school and wanted the 7th and 8th grade reinstated after a 10 year absence. During this process our School Superintendent put our school on his recommended closure list. That caused a great deal of passion and more people got involved and signed up to help. Yesterday a large of people came to express their support for the school at the School Board meeting. There were also people there who didn't want the 7th and 8th grade reinstated. I think it was good to hear both sides and in our democracy that is how it works. But after taking everything in and considering all the sides our School Board voted unanimously to support the school and reinstate the 7th grade this coming school year and 8th grade the following year! I felt a great sense of satisfaction in the results after all our hard work. When we take a stand and let our voices be heard we can make a difference! Don't give up, keep praying, stay involved! The system is not perfect but I'm reminded of the words of Edmund Burke, "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing." Do something, don't just complain!

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