Friday, January 02, 2009

How Do You Start Your Day?

How we start our day off can make all the difference. I am not referring to what morning show you prefer, and I certainly don't want to get into a discussion about anyone's hygiene habits. I am talking about having a Quiet Time with the Lord at the beginning of your day. I get asked all the time about how to have a devotional time and what to use. So I thought I would share with you what I do during my devotional times. Let me say that this may not work for everyone and over the years I have adapted my own time to fit. First and foremost I wake up very early (some suggest earlier than roosters), but I want complete silence. In a house of four, with a six and a four year old that is pretty rare. I begin by drinking a cup of coffee (Decaf). I settle into my recliner and begin praying. I use a prayer chart, meaning I pray for different things on different days. Granted there are some thing I pray for everyday: Family, Health, Wisdom, etc. I ask the Holy Spirit to prompt me in my praying. So there are some days where I don't even use a chart. Then after praying I open my Bible. This year I am reading through the bible. I am using a new Chronological Bible. I have read through the bible a few times but never in chronological order. I will journal on some days about what I just read. I always ask myself the question, "What does this mean to me? How can I apply this today?" My closeness to the Lord has grown over the years due in large part to the way I start my day. I can't imagine trying to face the world everyday without first going to the Lord and asking him to prepare me.

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