Wednesday, December 07, 2011

A Day That Will Live in Infamy

Today is December 7th. A day that President Franklin Roosevelt said would live in infamy forever. This is the day that Pearl Harbor was attacked during World War II. I would like to first recognize and honor the greatest generation ever, the generation that endured the Great Depression and World War II. We should tip our hat to those who are among us that witnessed some of the darkest days in American history. Their courage and determination ought to inspire us and motivate us. We owe a debt of gratitude to our veterans of World War II and those who grew up during that time period.

This day also should remind us that we have an enemy. Ultimately it is not a foreign government or a rogue terrorist group. It is Satan, the deceiver, the father of all lies. He is attacking our families, our spiritual foundations and churches across the world. Let us learn from those who put on the armor and served in the battlefields of Europe and the Pacific. Heed the call and pray for God’s protection. Take a stand for issues that are vital to our families and our country.

God bless you and never forget the sacrifice of our veterans and the ultimate sacrifice of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!


Diane Whaley said...

Bro. Chad...thank you for remembering the fallen at Pearl Harbor. It should be a day we always remember, but unfortunately that is not the case. As I get older, I see parts of history forgotten. Our children are not being taught the importance of remembering the past. Their history lessons are only part truth. It is up to us as Christians to help them remember so that we will not be caught unaware. I fear for our country today. The progressives have taken us in a direction that is not of God. It is Satan's greatest deception. I pray that eyes will be opened and that God will send His man to lead our future. There is nothing more important than this right now. Don't believe everything the Truth!

Diane Whaley said...
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Chad H. Mills said...

Diane you hit the nail on the head! I am very concerned, let's keep praying and keep fighting for what we believe.