Thursday, July 30, 2009

A Beer solves everything?

So did you hear the one about a police officer and a Harvard professor who had a run in? It seems that the president invited them to the White House to have a beer and work through their "misunderstanding". Sounds like a joke right? It's not a joke or a even a lame attempt at one. If you watched the news this morning you saw the "Beer Summit being held at White House", "BYOB Meeting in Oval Office" headlines. I bet Budweiser, Miller, and all the beer companies are excited about all this marketing. No concern is even paid to what impression this might make on the little ones. Young impressionable minds may be led to believe that a beer solves everything. But does it? According to many studies including but not limited to traffic fatalities; domestic disputes; assault crimes, alcohol is a major contributor in the vast majority of cases. Many of you won't like this article because you have no conviction about drinking alcohol (a mood altering substance according to the Federal Government not just the Bible). Set aside for just a minute your beliefs or lack of beliefs about intoxicating liquor/beer (what is the root word of intoxicating...I believe it is TOXIC dear Watson!), why didn't our President and the White House just invite the irate professor and the arresting officer over for a meeting and not publicize it as a "Beer Summit"? I am sure this is not the first time beer has been served in the Oval Office. Our previous president preferred the non-alcoholic kind because he, like 10% of everyone who ever consumes alcohol, became dependent (just like the author of this blog). Some of you will say I can not impose my morals on this president or anyone else for having a beer to solve a disagreement. You may even say you think it is "cool". You may be right. But doesn't this historical president inspire a young generation? Could young minds be influenced to believe that their beer or malt liquor can help them work out their disagreements? I remember when the alcohol industry apologized and changed their marketing, categorically admitting the Budweiser frogs and the friendly bull terrier dog influenced people under the legal drinking age. I am not a gambling man but I wonder what the odds are if the Nutty Professor or the Police Officer get a little too inebriated who has the upper hand? UFC promoters are already salivating about the dollars. I know for certain we won't hear anything about a beer brawl. The spin doctors will say the meeting went great and they are now drinking buddies, eerrrr friends. If I were advising this president I would tell him its great to invite these guys to the White House for a meeting. Let's call it a coffee meeting. Don't promote beer or the consumption of alcohol. We have enough alcoholics as it is Mr. President.


Dutch said...

It wasn't necessary to label the meeting with beer, but it was intentional. Obama's popularity is falling and he's depending on his personality to keep him afloat. Havin' the boys over for a beer makes him the "cool" president. Just like Hillary takin' shots with the bluce collar workers was supposed to do for her. It'd take more than a few shots for me to think them cats are cool.

Darrell said...

AMEN. I couldn't agree with you more. I had the same thoughts when he announced the beer summit. He has to realize how much weight his actions and words carry as the president of the US. You and I see the desrtruction it causes in the families everyday even in our churches. I have worked with the youth for years and know they are looking for someone to legitimize something everyone else is doing therefor saying the parents are wrong so they can do it. Good article, thanks for running it.